Happy 2013!!!

GoingpubWell Happy New Year!!! There were many modes of transport used to get to the Cholmondeley Arms over the festive season as the picture shows!! A wonderful vintage motor bike parked outside on Christmas day!! In 2011 in was Ponies and this year a classic motor bike…what will it be on Christmas day in 2013??

On behalf of landlord Steve, Our Deputies Monika, Ben and Struan, Head Chef Christian and the entire team at the ‘Chum’ plus of course Tim and Mary, we wish every one of our customers a very happy and prosperous new year. We also wish to thank everyone for supporting the Cholmondeley Arms through its second festive season since its restoration and indeed supporting us for the whole year!!!

Here’s to 2013!!! Let’s hope it is drier!!!

Happy Birthday you two!!!

What a great week it was last week both at the Bulls Head celebrating 200 years as a pub in 2012 and amazingly the Cholmondeley Arms celebrated 150 years as a building, the old school house opening in 1862!! Cakes were baked, celebrations were had, Lord and Professor Ted did his birthday quizzes with great curry evenings on the nights too, Cholmondeley had its 2nd Annual Gin making competition and the Bulls Head had a jazz evening with the ‘smoooth’ old boys Laurie and Stewart. We are still waiting for the 5000th dog to stroll in to the Bulls Head to finish off the celebrations!!! Thanks to everyone who worked so hard on the week when all our Christmas specials ‘went live’ too. Thank you to all our customers who turned up in support and joined in the festivities!! It might become an annual event!!


Ok who’s is the white van!!!??


It isn’t every day you walk across the car park of ‘the Chum’ from the pub and look left and see a line of cars like these!! It was one of those days when the posh cars come to lunch.

No it wasn’t our car club, the old Toads and nor was it the annual ‘Pageant of Power’!!

Just a sunny day (for once) when you can bring the car out to enjoy itself!!

It seem obvious that the supplier with the white van felt proud enough to line up next to them….or was it just a delivery??

Bulls Head Chefs complete ‘Tough Mudder’ at Cholmondeley


They may look like part of the 118-118 team but Lloyd (head chef from the Bulls Head) and Andy our great occasional kitchen team player successfully completed the ‘Tough Mudder’ challenge!!


Cholmondeley Castle hosted the event with the ‘Tough mudder’ organisers.

This was a half marathon with SAS like obstacles from electric shock treatments to wading/swimming through frozen lakes and ice filled containers that would take your breath away. Tough mudder teams including Andy and Lloyd came back to the Cholmondeley Arms after their heroic achievements.

I think Lloyd will appreciate the warmth of his kitchen more than ever having seen how cold they were on arriving at Cholmondeley.

Anyway a couple of ‘Pub Club’ Sandwiches and warm coffee with a bowl of hot chips improved them slightly.

A guest room was set aside in our Headmasters house for hot showers and changing facilities for friends and team-members to use to get them back to normal as quickly as possible.

Well done Lloyd and Andy who might ache a bit but they did it!!!




First Craft Gin to come from Mallorca!!!

Two years ago I stood in the vineyards of Ca’n Vidalet in the northwest of Mallorca approximately one and a half kilometres from Pollenca. I was keen then to get Mallorcan wines recognised for their quality back here in England and more specifically at our first pub in Cheshire the Bulls Head. I am back again in Mallorca looking at wine and spending more time researching the growth in Gin here on the Island. To my surprise I found that the vineyard of Ca’n Vidalet is a craft Gin distillery as well as an exceptional
winery now.

‘Eleven’ is a gin made from…no surprises here…eleven Botanicals. This gin is different though it has been developed from a Pomace base that would normally be used to make Grappa. The botanicals are typically Mediterranean, with rosemary, Thyme and coriander, there are floral and citrus notes but this gin is pure and I mean really pure!! Gin Mare the most famous Spanish Gin would struggle against this excellent craft gin.

It is the first gin produced completely on the Island and a bottle will soon be on the bar of The Cholmondeley Arms served with a less sweet tonic and a piece of lemon zest and ice this is a distinctly different gin.

Hopefully our import will be here for Christmas in the meantime wait patiently!!!

We have introduced some new gins to our ever growing collection.

The Dram. As in this 164 years old drawing, most people then were drinking their gin neat at the London ‘gin shops’ or ‘dram shops’.

The Norwegian Hammer Gin is among the purest of its kind, created with wild herbs and spices and produced according to a 200 year-old tradition. Using double pot still distillation with a unique filtering process extracts the purest flavour from the herbs, giving the product a clear, rich taste. Pure nose with a distinct aroma of juniper berries and a hint of citrus. Crispy, fresh and with a definite taste of juniper berries and elements of citrus. Refreshing aftertaste with a distinct dryness.

The French G’Vine Gin is small batch distilled from neutral grape spirit with fresh whole-fruit botanicals softened by the infusion of vine flower. Coming from all over the world, nine rare and fresh whole-fruit botanicals chosen for their purity and aromatic and healing properties – ginger roots, liquorice, green cardamom, cassia bark, coriander, juniper berries, cubeb berries, nutmeg and lime – are infused by family during 2 to 5 days and distilled in the grape neutral spirit in small liqueur-maker stills to get the best quintessence.

Infusions of vine flower and fresh botanicals are then blended together and copper-pot distilled a last time to get an ultimate and perfect smoothness and personality.

Bombay Dry Gin is one of the great old-school style London Gins, Bombay Original was first introduced in 1959 and is the precursor of the now more famous Bombay Sapphire. Much drier and more traditional.


Autumn Menu arrives

From Friday lunch time the 19th October 2012 the new Autumn menu will be launched here at the Cholmondeley Arms. Christian our head chef and his excellent team have been working hard to come up with new dishes that are true to the traditions of the Cholmondeley Arms…warming, flavoursome, traditional yet innovative. We look forward to you visiting to try them!

Gins up to 115 in our first year!!!!

Yes we have completed a year of being open as the ‘new’ Cholmondeley Arms. September being the month we opened last year 2011. We set our stall out then to be the best pub in Cheshire for the enjoyment of a Gin and Tonic (amongst many other things of course!!) and in turn create a legend.

Little did we know 18 months ago when Tim first visited the ‘Chum’ and decided Gins were definitely the thing to do here, that gin would have become so popular with micro/craft distillers popping up everywhere.

Trips to different parts of the UK and Europe have helped teach us so much about this famous and slightly infamous spirit. The glass, the fruit, the botanicals, the ice, the tonics and of course the gins themselves have all been explored.

We run an annual amateur Fruit Gin making competition, we have guest speakers such as James Chase from the Chase Distillery talking through Gin. We have tasting sessions for those guests that want to learn just a little bit more about Gin and its history. We operate ‘Bring Gin to the Inn’ where customers themselves can search out Gins on our behalf and be rewarded for doing so.

Our aim was to start with the ‘Cholmondeley Top Forty Gins’ in our house ‘Gin Bible’ and add to our collection through our pro-active Gin suppliers, our enthusiastic team and of course our customers who have all brought ‘Gin to the Inn’ over the last year from as far afield as the States and the Far East.

We have built our collection now to 115 different gins. We are the biggest purveyor of Gin in Cheshire, in fact the north of England and in our second year we aim to make the Gin Bible more informative, have Gin Quarterlies that focus the guest on new craft gins as well as some classics changing the list four times a year, add value to our ‘Gin Tasting Classes’ and of course build our collection and our knowledge. So come and help us…enjoy a classic Gin and tonic with us. Thank you to ALL our customers who have supported us in our first year!!!! We are so grateful for your business.

New Reg-Ewe-lars arrive at the Chum!!!

Mmm… Someone was looking rather sheepish when this photo was taken of local sheep enjoying the Cholmondeley Arms garden!!!

We reckon they have popped up from the Ewe Tree pub down the road. You can’t pull the wool over our eyes!!!

They soon moved on to pastures new when they smelt the mint sauce being prepared for Sunday Roast!!!

Mutton dressed as lamb….certainly not!!!

Old School ‘Chums’ Book arrives….

As everyone is aware the Cholmondeley Arms is a former village school. To celebrate this fact we have a special book behind the ‘Chum’ bar, kindly donated by Carole the Proprietor of The Cheese Shop in Chester.

The book is for ‘former pupils’ of the school to sign as and when they visit the Cholmondeley Arms. Our famous Breakfast cook Shirley also attended the school. So if you are a ‘Cholmondeley school ‘Old Boy or Girl’ come in and sign the book.

As we build up names we can then arrange an annual event to celebrate the School and its former pupils in what is the 150th anniversary of the building in 2012!!!

Old School ‘Bike Shed’ has a makeover!!!

Our landlord Steve has introduced some rather posh cigars here at the ‘Chum’ and of course with life being outside for smokers these days the old school ‘bike shed’ has been given a makeover and looks a bit more like a ‘potting shed’ now.

However in this poor summer weather the new ‘bike shed’ offers outdoor shelter with a bit of homely English charm for those wishing to eat al fresco or indeed have a puff on a cigar!!

So you naughty school boys who want to puff please report to the ‘bike shed’!!!



Cheshire Food Week celebrated here in August!!!

Example of Christians specials board

As you know we are very proud here at the Cholmondeley Arms to have the finest local ingredients available to us for our seasonal menu and specials board (an example of which can be seen here).

In August, from 16th to 23rd inclusive we will be celebrating, via our specials board, great dishes that recognise the local Cheshire produce available to our Head Chef Christian and his team.

Literally a short journey to Richards farm for fresh vegetables is a trip taken regularly by Christian and the taste of those Cheshire potatoes couldn’t be better!!!

So make a note of the dates for the diary and come and enjoy the very best of Cheshire here at the Chum!!


Cheshire Farmer Richard works very hard to ensure the very best local produce is available to Christian our chef who goes and picks his own

The taste of our vegetables is of prime importance

Wild Scottish Sea trout with Samphire and Cheshire potato salad and cucumber ketchup